Lye facility

Lye must be stored and handled with great care, as it is a strong alkaline liquid in its concentrated form. Lye can be delivered as pellets in solid form or as a liquid. Pellets are dissolved in water, and the reaction produces significant amounts of heat. This necessitates a dedicated mixing system and several risk-reducing measures to comply with health, safety, and environmental regulations. 

In its liquid form, lye is primarily delivered at concentrations of 50% or 30%. A 50% lye solution crystallizes at +12°C, which can lead to blockages in the lye system if not properly designed. This concentration requires heating for much of the year, along with well-insulated storage tanks to minimize heat loss. The 30% lye, also known as winter lye, can withstand lower temperatures than the 50% concentration but results in higher transportation costs and increased consumption. This option is more expensive operationally and less environmentally friendly due to increased transport frequency. 

Lye is among the chemicals covered by the Tank Regulation, meaning it must be stored and distributed internally at the facility under specific requirements, including those outlined in the Pollution Control Regulation.  

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