Free Pickup of IBCs

– Enkelt, bærekraftig og kostnadsfritt.

Norsk Lut is proud to offer a complete service for the collection and reuse of empty IBC containers. Our solution helps optimize the use of industrial packaging by ensuring materials get a new life through sustainable recycling and proper disposal. By extending the life and value of the packaging, we reduce waste and support a circular economy. Reusing IBCs plays a crucial role in reducing the industrial environmental footprint while ensuring safe and reliable chemical storage.

Our collection service covers the entire lifecycle of industrial packaging, from production to collection, reuse, and recycling. Most used packaging can be reused 100% or recycled into new products with up to 100% recycled HDPE (PCR).

A Simple Process, Simply Explained


Kontakt oss på mail eller telefon


Avtal antall og tidspunkt for henting


Vi kommer og henter de tomme IBC-ene

Terms and Conditions

Types of Packaging

We offer collection of used empty IBCs suitable for reuse, in the following types and sizes:

  • All brands of composite IBCs with blow-molded plastic containers: 600L, 800L, and 1,000L.

Geographical Area

The collection service covers all of Norway. For collection outside this area, or for quantities below the minimum, please contact us for a request..

Terms for Free IBC Collection and Reuse

The minimum number per shipment is 8 IBCs. For smaller quantities, feel free to contact us with a request. No internal or external residues.

IBCs must be emptied (drip-free, granule-free, and without solidified contents). An IBC is considered empty when the user, under normal conditions, has emptied it of all product residues using typical methods for the packaging type.


The IBC must be intact and suitable for reuse as packaging. This means it must be less than 5 years old, without damage to the plastic container, grid, or other integrated parts. It must also be free of significant rust or external residues that cannot be cleaned (e.g., polyester, color preparations, etc.).

ID-plate med merking av tidligere fyllvare

The IBC must be labeled with the previous content or otherwise marked, so that both the IBC and any residues can be properly treated. Packaging that has contained toxic substances (category 6.1) must be neutralized before return.

Alle ventiler og lokk må være stengt

The emptied IBC must be as sealed as a filled container. All valves and caps must be correctly installed and functioning. Transport documents must be completed according to applicable regulations (ADR/RID).

Avvik - Skadet IBC og restinnhold

The sender/user will be invoiced for the costs of environmentally responsible handling of packaging that cannot be reused, as well as any remaining contents. This includes:

  • Transport
  • Emptying/collection and packaging of remaining contents, final treatment
  • Sorting into various material fractions for recycling and/or energy recovery.

Gebyr for avfallsbehandling

Residual contents, liquid (can be pumped out):

NOK 15 per liter

Destruction of IBCs, total wrecks, and/or obsolete models that cannot be reused:

NOK 350,- per stykk

  • ekskl. mva. pluss inngående fraktkostnad til Norsk Lut.

Energy recovery from plastic containers that have contained toxic, highly irritating, odorous, or confirmed CMR substances: 

NOK 450 per unit, excluding VAT.

Innovation and development in focus

We call ourselves problem solvers who develop new products and services in close dialogue with our clients, always focusing on trust, flexibility, and safety.